RTSW is going to be a step by step program you can follow to get really good at pickup really fast.

I went through the Don Juan Boot Camp, which is an ebook consisting of a series of drills and missions to improve yourself, and I liked the idea of it. However, I wasn't quite satisfied with it. I decided to take a step beyond what that book covered and applied what I thought REALLY mattered in terms of seduction.
What did I not like about it specifically? Well, it's actually something that bothers me about the seduction community as a whole nowadays... There's just too much focus on being friendly and socializing properly and not enough focus on ACTUAL SEDUCTION. Too many pickup methods nowadays land you in the friend zone and leave you with blue balls. My ebook is going to bring you back to the SEXUAL roots of the seduction community through a training process unlike any other.
Another thing I didn't like too much about it was the inflexibility of the boot camp schedule. I'm designing my ebook so that you can move at your own pace because every PUA student learns at a different rate. It's original purpose shall be to train someone as fast as possible, but the student can also choose to take as long as he wants if he can benefit more from doing so.
Most of all, my ebook is going to emphasize a hidden truth to seduction that many people have actually been lying to you about... You'll see what I mean later. (Hint: There is a clue in the title)
I just started writing it, so it's going to take a while before it'll be available to anyone. Watch this blog for future updates.