Welcome to my mind

I created this blog so I can have a place to vomit all my random thoughts in relation to how the pickup artistry is affecting my life.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Compliments and interest

I recieved a private message from a girl today on a forum that I post in sometimes:

"Chief! I love reading your posts, you're one of the only people I'll actually make an effort to see what they write on here. Anyway, just wanted you to know you are appreciated!"

As I was trying to think about how I would respond to this message, my mind was drawing a blank. And then, a wave of thoughts and ideas molested my head:

1. "I recieved a sincere compliment. Good ego boost."
2. "This was from a member of the opposite sex."
3. "I don't know what she looks like because this is the internet."
4. "Besides a standard line like, 'thank you,' I don't know what to say in response."
5. "Why? She failed to mention anything about herself. The focus was completely directed upon me."
6. "She didn't say or ask anything that could potentially elicit a genuine response from me."
7. "I am not interested in her because she didn't give me anything to be interested in."

Don't get me wrong... there was nothing wrong with this girl as far as I could tell. She's a sweetheart. She just didn't talk to me with the most favorable combination of words.

AFCs compliment girls all the time. What happens when a guy walks up to a girl and gives a compliment? Right off the bat, something like this will go on in her head:

1. "I recieved a sincere compliment. Good ego boost."
2. "This was from a member of the opposite sex."
3. "I can judge him a little bit by what he looks like, but that's not enough for my feelings to really decide on anything."
4. "Besides a standard response like 'thank you,' I don't know what to say in response."
5. "Why? He failed to mention anything about himself. The focus was completely directed upon me."
6. "He didn't say or ask anything that could potentially elicit a genuine response from me."
7. "I am not interested in him because he didn't give me anything to be interested in."

I already knew these concepts, but this realization made me see things more clearly in a structured manner. Having the other-side perspective really opens your eyes. Now I actually feel sorry for all those hot girls at the bars lol. They must be bored out of their minds with guys like that all over the place. Let's go do them a favor, fellas.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

The rum wasn't gone this time

Have you guys tried Old New Orleans Rum? That shit is good. A little cheaper than Captain Morgan, and arguably a little better.

Apparently I've got some spies checking my blog here - kids from my college that aren't in the PUA community. They think this shit's "funny." Great. My first reaction, of course, was, "I need to delete this blog." Then I realized that I don't really have anything to hide here. I post my FRs and LRs elsewhere, anyway. =P

Seriously, though. Go out and try some Old New Orleans Rum. It's heaven.

Uh... Yeah, I don't really have anything else to say right now lol.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008


It's fucking MARDI GRAS!!! Fat Tuesday!

Did I already mention how awesome this place is? I'll say it again if I did: New Orleans is fucking awesome.


I have made myself a regular at this bar/club called the Dungeon. Every time I go there, I enjoy myself by having a good time on the dancefloor, talking to people, eating cherries soaked in everclear, etc. As a PUA, I'm not a shy guy at the bar. I'm loud when I want to be and I actually talk to strangers. Oh, and I'm an Asian guy.

Let me tell ya. My entire life I've been going against Asian stereotypes. You can't blame me, give me a break. Asian guys are stereotypically shy nerds with no social skills. I could never really find a genuine desire within myself to align with such an identity. Fuck no, sir.

Asians in general are raised to focus primarily on academics and whatever's related to making money stabily and successfully. That's all that really matters in life for long term happiness, right? PSHHH. Every PUA and cold reader knows: Health, Wealth, and Relationships. Those are the three main categories in our lives that we need success in for happiness. Asians stereotypically sacrifice developments and potential success in Health and Relationships to focus primarily on Wealth. Fuck that shit. As a consequence, most Asian guys are completely socially inept, therefore having a sexless reputation.

Sure, sometimes I think things like "things would be a lot easier if I were white," but I've never really let my race hold me back in anything. I do what I want to do. It's probably because I started all this PUA stuff at a REALLY young age. I have pretty decent Inner Game and my limiting beliefs have been annihilated.

The fact of the matter is - most Asian guys lack confidence...immensely. And we all know that confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a PUA can convey. If it weren't for me stumbling upon one of David Deangelo's online ads years ago, I'd probably be in the same fucking pathetic boat.

I was watching a bunch of youtube videos the other night where people were talking about how you rarely see Asian guys with white chicks, how white guys "steal our Asian girls," how Asian guys have a disadvantage in the American dating scene, etc. I had a hard time identifying with these guys, though. I get romantically involved with white girls all the time. It's not an issue for me.

Limiting beliefs are silly.

Oh, I'd also like to give a shout out to JT aka AsianPlayboy and TokyoPUA. You guys are an inspiration to Asian PUAs everywhere. Hopefully I'll be joining your ranks in the future.


EDIT: TokyoPUA is not Asian. >=(

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The community is a real community =)

It's 5 AM and I just got in from an entire day, night, and I guess morning, of MARDI GRAS!!! Man, this shit is fucking FUN. This is actually my first ever Mardi Gras in New Orleans. I must say, it is an understatement to say that New Orleans is unique.

I spent the night out partying it up with both of my fellow New Orleans PUA lair leaders, a couple regular members, and three other PUAs that flew in from Pennsylvania for Mardi Gras. I experienced first-hand of how real this PUA community is. It's like one big fat fraternity of men with common interests. We have the information age to thank for that. We could not be living in a better time. Now is the time when communication amongst like-minded individuals across the globe can most effectively get in touch with one another. It's a wonderful thing, I must say.

This community is not full of socially inept computer nerds as one may imagine. These guys I met from soooo many miles away were legit cool guys. The community is full of so many different kinds of people but we're all connected.

Some may say that tools like the internet just makes the world a smaller place with less to be discovered, taking away a sense of wonderment. No, dude... the more we discover, the more we realize how much more there is to discover. If nothing else, our horizons are broadened to the realization that there's a lot more to explore than we ever thought possible. There's an old saying that says something very similar to that, I swear.


Friday, February 1, 2008

Lookin' for love in all the wrong definitions

I gotta admit. We pickup artists are fucking pathetic. We are the male counterparts to drugged up strippers who can never find satisfaction and fulfillment. Why? You could say that we're all "looking for love in all the wrong places."

As someone with respect for Buddhists beliefs (I'm a Taoist), I believe I understand what true love is about. In short, it's an all-encompassing compassion for humanity. What do most PUAs look for, though? The Rolling Stones knew... "I can't get no satisfaction."

We're living in a society where there is so much emphasis on sensory stimulation. I know that it's all an illusion that has no real importance, but it still affects us all. I am no exception.

I still think about those times when I had a real, deep, intimate connection with a girl. Those feelings are a drug, man. We PUAs are always looking to get our fix off of women. We want those wonderful feelings of acceptance and affection. Most of the time, it's a small dosage from a friend with benefits or something, but sometimes we take the heavy shit. Sometimes we get a shot of that thing that western society mistakenly calls "love" and then BOOM we are DRUGGED.

My name is Chief and I am an addict.

I still think about those more intimate times, when she and I would find ourselves just naturally getting closer and closer physically without either of us consciously realizing what was going on. Then, I realize that I've been sick with a cold for a few days and say, "I'm not going to kiss you. I'm sick" Then, she shoots back with a simple, "you should." I still remember those timeless nights on the phone when she would tell me that she would love me forever and ever, and I would tell her that I love her so much that I'd die for her. I still think about... Psh. PUAs learn the skills of seduction just so we can be temporarily happy AFCs. The more of an AFC we can be the better. It's the illusion of love that motivates us.

And then... the cycle repeats itself. The relationship, whatever type of relationship it was, ends and we go out to find our new fix. Another dosage of these feelings from a different dealer. The next dealer has something different for you... the same feelings, just different dosages. You can get a one night stand and that would be just one shot of your poison. I know I'm mixing up drug and alcohol analogies here, but bear with me. You can begin a whole new romantic relationship and that would be an entire handle of your poison. Either way, you're going to run dry at some point and you'll just end up being more dependant on the external substance of "love." It's a vicious cycle.

Some PUAs are in this just to get laid more. They just want that sensation over and over again. The rest of us are seeking something more, but nothing more noble or honorable. We just want everyone to give us unconditional love. What the hell kind of bullshit is that?

We pickup artists are fucking pathetic. Oh, well. I guess I'll just go sarging tomorrow night. Then, I'll be happy again because this is a fun game to play.

The bottle's gunna run dry again, though. Sigh.
