There's a big difference between being needy and expressing genuine, ego-less desire. The main difference is that being needy turns women off while expressing genuine desire free of ego turns women on.
The feeling of neediness stems from a void you feel in your spectrum of emotions. This void may be the result of anything ranging from previous rejections to childhood traumas. The scars you have from past experiences prompt your psyche into creating an EGO (in the Eckhart Tolle sense of the word, not Freud) in order to maintain a semblance of sanity. This ego, however, makes you NEEDY, which really sucks ass.
On the flip side, expressing genuine desire from an ego-less standpoint is much like expressing your liking for a certain flavor of ice cream simply because you like it. You don't feel any need to taste the ice cream in order to fill some sort of void within your hurting heart or any gay shit like that; you just want the ice cream because you fucking like it.
Stop looking for women to fill that hole in your heart. Women are ice cream cones. Don't be needy, but be as wanty as much as you can because women get turned on when they know that they are desired.
Get Her Back In Bed Again…
12 years ago